Make Learning Fun

with custom
word search puzzles

Create standard or unusual word searches

Add clues or a hidden message to your puzzle to make them even more special.

choose from several styles


use many ways

Print as a worksheet,

export as html to a web site,

or copy and paste into other software.

don't just print your puzzles


Make your job a little easier

Try out our easy to use word search puzzle maker. Download the demo and see for yourself.

try it for yourself



1-2-3 Word Search Maker

Custom Word Search Puzzle Maker Software for Windows

Learn More

Visit the product info page for more information about 1-2-3 Word Search Maker



Make them easy or hard


our favorite feature


Buy it now, use it now


choose your difficulty level

Choices from word directions, capitalization and letter sharing options give you complete control over how easy or difficult your puzzle is.


You can even save your settings to make your work easier for you.

easy to use cheating prevention

It's easy to copy someone else's word search puzzle. One glance and you can see where the words are. So we solved this problem for you.

Just choose the number of puzzles you want, and the program will print out each puzzle with the same words but a different arrangement. No cheating is possible as each puzzle is unique! Plus, it requires no extra work on your part.

Once you purchase you will receive your unlock code immediately

Unlock your software in just minutes so you can save what you've been working on in the demo version. Instantly print, export, save...and play!

Word Search Puzzles are great!

Start making yours today.

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All rights reserved.